Welcome & Hello

Hey Guys!! Welcome to The Refined Farmhouse website and blog. I can’t believe I’m officially saying that! WhooHooo….!! I’m so thrilled you’ve stopped by to see me. I’m excited to have our own little place to share with you inside our lives, answer our most asked questions, DIY’s, inspiration boards, favorite recipes, offer design services and finally be able to shop my favorite décor items. It’s been a long time in the works my friends.

beautiful white hydrangeas
my favorite flowers
white hydrangeas

Why I started my website and blog

I started my Instagram account a couple years ago when we started building our current home. I had never had a personal Instagram before and wasn’t even sure how it worked. I remember posting that very first picture and remember Wayland (hubby and now #1 supporter) asking me “Why are you doing that?” and to tell you the truth I didn’t exactly know other than sharing the love of the process of building a house from the ground up and watching it turn into a home for our family. But, I think back now and realize God was placing this into my hands because he knew how much I would truly love and enjoy every second of sharing the love I have for creating beautiful refined farmhouse spaces. I believe he had a plan from the very beginning and while I didn’t know that then, he knew what my heart truly needed.  Things have happened and opportunities have been given to me that I have to give him all the credit. What started off as a hobby has now turned into a job I Love!!  I felt at times the last few months I was fighting directly what was in front of me until one day I felt like he was shaking me saying “Amy, This is what you’re supposed to do. It’s all part of the process.”

I have a sign in my living room that my dear friend April Austin with Simply Inspired Design Co. made me that says “God is still writing your story. Don’t let go of your faith because of what you have yet to see.” And while I couldn’t see it at the beginning and also don’t know where this journey will take me, I just have to have faith all of this is part of the plan for us to do great things with this platform we have been given.

So here I am now, writing my 1st blog post that I never dreamed we would have, and forever grateful for the love and support we have been given. To each of you visiting me here or on my Instagram page I want to say from the bottom of my heart, Thank you. You have made a dream I didn’t know I had possible

My wish is to share with you inspiration and the love we have to create all things beautiful, cozy, and timeless to make it your favorite place to be for family and friends to enjoy for many years to come.

Reader Interactions


  1. Pamela says

    My daughter Amy had her 40 th birthday this year. And my son is 47.

    Beautiful pictures on your blog.